1 Music Lyrics
One Eye Open Music Lyrics
Ultima Thule
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How come you know so well, yes
How come your stand�s so right?
I reckon your position full of might.
You take one look and wonder:
Why your world could go so wrong?
While seeing only what you choose to see
You�ve got one eye open
While the other�s still shut tight.
Take a look before you,
To my knowledge you seem blind.
You�ve got one eye open,
Staring one-eyed being blind.
Take a look or just ignore us,
We�re gonna get you from behind from behind
You claim the brand call clever,
But to earn it you must be;
The watcher looking all ways, don�t you see.
While dark clouds drawing nearer
I can feel the fright in you,
Afraid of what your eyes might show you true.
Alone you sit and ponder, alone you sit and stare.
Up above the minder I see your one eye glare.
The eye shut blind look inwards, admiring none but you.
Will you ever look for both sides, will you ever look what�s new?
Ultima Thule - One Eye Open Music Lyrics
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