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Iron Prayers Music Lyrics
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Darknesse surroundes you, it filles the skye
The moon gives the only rays of lighte
Barbaric roars calle you to fighte
Salvation awaits you tonighte
Maniacs assemble in the halles of steele
One withe the powere you feele
Follwe the sounde raging in your bloode
Forged in the fire of the gods
Laye downe thy burdens, followe thy hearte
The masters have taken control
Steele flowes in thy veins
Let fire reigne in thy soule
Iron Prayers
Allegiance was sworn to our gods
Metallian lordes
Immortal soundes rake eternal fires
Metallic forces take you highe
Unity rules this unvincible crowde
This glorious bonde makes us proude
From brother to brother, from fahter to son
The values of steele still live on
Warriors of the undergrounde
By the iron religion we're bounde
Iron Prayers
Swordes were helde high
Hails were call'd oute in the darke of the nighte
For as longe as bloode both fill thine vein withe life
Faithe and pride shall fill thy hearte
The torche of Metal thou shalt wielde
Maniacs assemble in the halles of steele
One withe the powere you feele
Followe the sounde raging in your bloode
Forged in the fire of the gods
From brother to brother, from father to son
Tha values of steele still live on
Warriors of the undergrounde
By the iron religion we're bounde
Laye downe thy brudens, followe thy hearte
The masters have taken control
Fire burnes in thy veins
Let Metal take over thy soule
Iron Prayers
Allegiance was sworn to our gods
Metallian lordes
Iron Prayers
10. Defenders Of Metal
Stormwarrior - Iron Prayers Music Lyrics
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