1 Music Lyrics
NeuWerld Music Lyrics
Skinny Puppy
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Answer, answer, answer, answer.
New world order, New world order, New world order
Hissing on a river on the way along tomarrow,
rancid water's picking up the remenants of a flower, in all of us exists a
touch of deadly warming global. I trust we must distrust the owners of
the owners of the new world order.
Feed upon the fingers, chew the knuckle to the bone, dig inside the crack
beside the pain that is a home, live a distant second skin whatever else it
can, fed upon the remenant of a life it's never had.
New world order
He don't got the big thing in the back of the others sceret twisted fading
mist so different from the forrest can't you see the forrest for the death
within the trees.
New world order, new world order, new world order, new world order.
dig inside the crack beside the pain that is a home,
dig inside the crack beside the pain that is a home,
Skinny Puppy - NeuWerld Music Lyrics
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