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Lonely Room Music Lyrics
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The floor creaks,
The door squeaks,
There's a fieldmouse a-nibblin' on a broom.
And I set by myself
Like a cobweb on a shelf,
By myself in a lonely room.
But when there's a moon in my winder
And it slants down a beam 'cros my bed
Then the shadder of a tree starts a-dancin' on the wall
And a dream starts a-dancin' in my head.
And all the things that I wish fer
Turn out like I want them to be,
And I'm better than that Smart Aleck cowhand
Who thinks he is better'n me!
And the girl I want
Ain't afraid of my arms
And her own soft arms keep me warm.
And her long, yeller hair
Falls across my face
Jist like the rain in a storm!
The floor creaks,
The door squeaks,
And the mouse starts a-nibblin' on the broom.
And the sun flicks my eyes-
It was all a pack o' lies!
I'm awake in a lonely room...
I ain't gonna dream about her arms no more!
I ain't gonna leave her alone!
Goin' outside
Git myself a bride
Git me a womern to call m
My own.
Oklahoma! - Lonely Room Music Lyrics
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