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Robot Eyes Music Lyrics
No Motiv
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Turn me on and face me to the world
Back me up far enough
So I can watch and learn how I'm supposed to be
Through these eyes in my head
Life begins the wheels start to spin around
Don't live in fantasies
Just be on your way
Here's a list of all your priorities
Make us proud to say:
We're the parents of a good machine
Keep your eyes straight ahead
Take your vitamins like we said
You'll be fine
I guess your first test is to see how you can fit in
Finally I feel like I'm alive
I was nothing but a dream in disguise
I was silent before now I finally get to say
How I see it all so strange
My destiny is on a timeline with fate
Let me dream awhile
For the chance of a life to be
Nine to five now systems overload
Just trying to get by living in the mode:
Work first then find the time
To drink it away
To try and hide depressions of my days
Now I'm fine
But the dirt in my ale is at the bottom of every pint
Finally I feel like I'm alive
I was dying on the inside out
I was silent today now I finally get to say
How I've been feeling so strange
I've been dancing on a wire with fate
They can cramp my style but they can't take it away
Finally I feel like I'm alive
I was dying on the inside out
I was silent for years now I finally get to say
How I've been feeling so strange
I've been dancing on a wire with fate
They can cramp my style
But they can't take it away
No Motiv - Robot Eyes Music Lyrics
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