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Hidden Track Music Lyrics

Mortal Treason

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show me your ways.
teach me to love.
this world can be so cold
it's hard to find one who cares.

show me your there.
show me you care.
wipe my tears away.
take my pain.

i just want to take this time to let you know that
no matter what your going through in this life.
that jesus christ is always there
hes always there to stand by your side.
hes a friend that will never walk away
hes a father that will never turn his back.

i just want to encourage you right now
no matter what your situation is
to reach your arms up and call on him
he'll always be there.
all he wants is your attention
and for you to love him back.

he needs us
just as we need him.

Mortal Treason - Hidden Track Music Lyrics

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