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America Is Not The World Music Lyrics


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America / your head's too big / because
America / your belly's too big
and I love you
I just wish you'd stay where you is / in
America / the land of the Free, they said
and of opportunity
in a Just / and a Truthful way
but where the President is never black
or female or gay / and until that day
you've got nothing to say to me
to help me believe / in
America / it brought you the hamburger
well America / you know where
you can shove your hamburger
and don't you wonder
why in Estonia / they say �hey you, /
you big fat pig� / �you fat pig� / �you fat pig�
Steely-blue eyes / with no love in them
scan the world
and a humourless smile
with no warmth within
greets the world
and I / I have got nothing / to offer you
just this heart deep and true
which you say you don't need
- see with your eyes / touch with your hands
- please
- hear through your ears / know in your soul
- please
for haven't you me with you now?
and I love you / I love you / I love you
I love you / I love you / I love you

Morrissey - America Is Not The World Music Lyrics

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