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The Ghost Song (No Such Thing) Music Lyrics
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
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it floats up the staircase
it floats down the hall
floats into my bedroom
right through the wall
it glides past my dresser
to the bed post
I swear, I'm looking at a ghost
There's no such thing
it's not a ghost because there's no such thing
I can't be frightened of a globby, green, glow,
'cause i know, there's no such thing.
it picks up some playingcards
and chuffles the back
it goes to the kitchen
it fixes a snack
it plays the piano
it swings on the swing
it does a LOT considering there's no such thing
then it beats my computer
as quick as you please
it floats on the keyboard
it presses some keys
what creature might you be?
comes up on the screen
I type in: a human being
suddenly the room goes as icy as winter
and something comes out on the printer
no such thing
you can't be human
'cause there's no such thing
those human stories
they scare ghost so
but we know
there's no such thing
- now, hold the phone
I'm really real
- you're not
- I am
- oh no
- you're wrong i pride
- alright, let's play a game of cards to decide
- OK, whoever wins the game, that one's real
it types out: you got it. now deal
I ask him for aces
he types out: go fish
He ask me for sevens
i type out: you wish
- jacks?
- sorry
- queens?
- no
- sixes?
- na-a
- twos?
we played for an hour
and guess what
I loose
no such thing, aha!
you don't excist
you're no such thing
It made me crazy to be told where to go
but something is no such thing
this story now is over
the story is true
if someone views my email
thinks the story is true
but there's no such thing
it didnt happen
'cause theres no such thing
I made the whole thing up
so I outta know
and I know there's no such thing
there's no such thing
(whisper) there's no such thing
i hope.
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen - The Ghost Song (No Such Thing) Music Lyrics
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