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Pullin' An All Nighter Music Lyrics
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
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Then it settled, we're pulling an all nighter.
Long as there's pizza and soda pop,
We'll keep playing games and never stop.
Stick in a fresh CD, you cranker up.
Then stay awake until the sun comes up.
We're all still going strong, nobodys faded.
We always knew that sleep was overated.
Without a doubt turning in is out.
Cause there are still some boys, we haven't talked about.
We're pullin' pullin' pullin' and all nighter.
If grown ups can do it, there can't be that much to it.
We're pullin' pullin' pullin' an all nighter.
Let's stay up all night, until the morning light.
We're pullin' pullin' pullin' an all nighter tonight.
It's gonna be a sinch to stay awake.
There's popcorn to pop and corny jokes to make.
And Mom and Dad would really blow a fuse,
If they found out we plan to watch the midnight news.
We'll paint our faces, make up funny names.
We've got a zillion cool video games.
We've got so much to do, we don't even know when
we'll ever want to go to sleep again.
Wouldn't it be fun to get some shut-eye?
Maybe just a week or forty-two?
Then we will snap back to life, and go all night.
Just like we said we do.
Yeah, it's just a little catnap, Just dozy-doze, you know?
I'll just rest my eyes guys, now where did my pillow go?
I admit I could use a snooze after all that dancin' and rappin'.
But promise me wake me up, if anything fun should happen.
Let the record show you guys, I couldn't stay up, okay?
But when in Rome do like the Romans.
And the Romans have all hit the hay.
Wouldn't it be fun to get some shut eye?
Maybe just a week or forty-two.
Then we will snap back to life, and go all night.
Just like we said we do.
We're pullin' pullin' pullin' and all nighter,
'Til the sun comes shining through.
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen - Pullin' An All Nighter Music Lyrics
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