1 Music Lyrics
One Buffalo, Two Buffali Music Lyrics
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
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A goose and a goose make two geese.
A moose and a moose make two meese?
A mouse and a mouse make two mice.
A grouse and a grouse make grice? Greece.
One buffalo, two buffali.
Sounds good give it a try.
It may be wrong, it still might fly.
One buffalo, two buffali.
I don't think so.
An ox and an ox make oxen.
A fox and a fox make foxen?
A cow and a cow make cattle.
A sow and a sow make sattle? Seattle?
One kangeroo, two kangeri
works for me, give it a try.
May be wrong, it still might fly.
One kangeroo, two kangeri.
A whole bunch of cricetts make a racket.
A whole pack of jackels make a jacket.
Bucks make a bucket.
Ducks make a ducket.
A whole bunch of duckets make a quacket?
Why not.
A pooch and a pooch make two peach.
A leach and a leach make two looch?
A roach and a roach make two reach.
A priest and a priest make what - preach?
One carraboo, two carrabi.
I love it, give it a try.
May be wrong, still might fly.
One carraboo, two carrabi.
12 inch worms make a foot worm.
Its one long skinny shaped worm.
Two foot worms make a feet worm.
That you measure with a tape worm.
A gnu and a gnu make two gnee.
A shrew and a shrew make two shree?
A pair of canaries, how sweet.
Thats called a Parakeet.
One cocka two.
Two cocka four.
Why don't you make up some more.
Adding an S, oh what a snore.
One cocka two.
Two cocka four.
One buffalo, two buffali.
One karaboo, two karabi.
One kangeroo, two kangeri.
One buffaloo, two buffali.
Mary-Kate, whats a whole lot of baby tooths?
Baby teeth.
Ok, whats a whole lot of Baby Ruths?
Baby Reeth.
A lot of hippos?
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen - One Buffalo, Two Buffali Music Lyrics
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