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My Mama Didn't Raise No Fools Music Lyrics
Jean Shepard
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(Bob Logan - Charles Snoddy)
My mama didn't raise no fools
No, mama didn't raise no fools
You didn't give me credit but it's time you knew
My mama didn't raise no fools.
You know back alleys like an old tomcat
You know I ain't a puttin' up with that
You broke your neck breakin' all the rules
My mama didn't raise no fools.
You got a stock full of tricks you're a sly ole pup
But I learned your tricks through the spool of hard knots
Here's your walkin' paper and there's your shoes
My mama didn't raise no fools.
My mama didn't raise no fools
No, mama didn't raise no fools
I'm gettin' my kicks kickin' you know who
My mama didn't raise no fools.
Slip around like a sneak in the grass
You should've known that it couldn't last
Don't try to crawl back cause that won't do
My mama didn't raise no fools.
You come in late a tellin' me lies
But you can't pull a wool over these two eyes
I got enough sense to add two and two
My mama didn't raise no fools.
My mama didn't raise no fools
No, mama didn't raise no fools
The dumbest of 'em all is smather than you
My mama didn't raise no fools.
(Huh, huh, honey my mama she ain't raised no fools around her house
Let me tell you she raised a bunch of smart youngones
And I was the smartest one of 'em
And don't you forget it honey the dumbest of 'em all
Was smarter than you baby...)
Jean Shepard - My Mama Didn't Raise No Fools Music Lyrics
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