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Nothing to fear Music Lyrics
Howard Jones
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What freezes love in your eyes
What steals the force from your life
What holds us ransom tonight
What stops you seeing yourself?
Only fear can stand
On potential's hands
This is the greatest day of your life
If you make it
And the old spells you know
They can be broken
Nothing to fear
Nothing to fear
The greatest faults can be beaten
The grandest problems defeated
Impossible choices completed
Infinite pain will be treated
Only fear can stand
On potential's hands
This is the greatest day of your life
And we made it
And the old spells you know
'Cause they can be broken
Nothing to fear
Nothing to fear
This is the greatest day of your life
And we've made it
Break the old spells
Oh, let them be broken
Nothing to fear
No, nothing to fear
This is the greatest day
Break the old spells and throw them away
Break the old spells
Don't y'know they can be broken
No, Nothing to fear
Nothing to fear
Nothing to fear
Nothing to fear
Howard Jones - Nothing to fear Music Lyrics
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