1 Music Lyrics

Hdhd Music Lyrics

Fr. Stan Fortuna

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Come with me.
The transmission has been given
For our livin I ain't kiddin.
Open up to 1 Corinthians 11:23.

�For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you that the Lord Jesus on the night He was handed over, took bread and after He had given thanks, broke it and said �This is my Body given up for you. Do this in rememberance of me.' In the same way, He took the cup after the supper saying �This cup is the covenant in my Blood. Do this as often as you drink it, in rememberance of me.'�

Jesus was handed over
What He did He handed down
On the cross crucified King
Wore a ring of thorns
We call it a crown.
He sat down at the table. Yo this ain't no fable
He was born in a stable. Wass up with Cain and Able?
Thought they was dead
Let it be said too much blood bein shed
Fifth commandment ain't read
Handin down the mystery in a piece of bread
Is this too much for your head?
Once you taste it you want more
It's the only way we gonna stop the war
Israel, Palestine beautiful tradition
What are we missin?
Surrender and obedience
Disrespect the ritual. People get way too liberal.
Miserable - death killings and scandal
Everybody's loosin the handle what we're seein today
Unimaginable and intolerable levels
People livin like devils. Got to transmit the tradition
G.O.D workin, prayin, restin. The whole wide world
Is in need of a serious blessin
This is what the saints be professin
Catholics got to get to confession
We all got to be holy, holy, holy
It's a very long process. It happens rarely and
Slowly, slowly, slowly
The narrow road take we must
Yo remember fear is useless. What is needed is trust

Come with me.
The transmission has been given
For our livin I ain't kiddin.
Open up to 1 Corinthians 11:23

Love is our lost identity
The recovery is restored with hospitality
Havin a hard time believin me?
Open up to John Thirteen
The Savior is the servant. Why we so unobservant?
He gets down on the floor to wash the feet
Yo this is love supreme attitude.
Got to bring it to the street
If all we do is complain and compete
We be livin without lovin
Our lives will be severely incomplete
Now you know what Jesus did
He gave Himself for us to eat
Feel the rhythm of the drum beat
It generates a connection with the heart beat.
That's why the Word makes the bread
The body, blood, soul and divinity
Got to get this deep down into me
Got to take the tradition
And make a relevant intelligent transmission
This is my mission. Check out my priestly hermaneutic.
It's divinely therapeutic. Connect with this connection...
And all hatred and pride
Will be lifted like the Ascension
And all tension and apprehension
Will be held in suspension
Yo this is the reality the truth be flowin out of me.
It's the medicine of immortality
The only way to sanctify individuality
Includin your sexuality
We talkin about a mystical Eucharistic spirituality
Get with this we be busy about our Father's business.
Love for real � we talkin about forgiveness

Fr. Stan Fortuna - Hdhd Music Lyrics

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