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Sadeness (Extended Trance Mix) Music Lyrics
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F : Woman
M : Man
C : Chorus
{...} : Translation
(...) : Comment
[...] : Comment
Translations are not redundant; if one is not immediately
provided, look above: It was probably translated earlier.
C: Procedamus in pace.
In nomine Christi, Amen.
{ Let us proceed in peace.
In the name of Christ, Amen.
C: Cum angelis et pueris,
fideles inveniamur.
{ With angels and boys,
let us be found faithful.
C: Adtollite portas principes vestras
Et elevamini portae aeternali
Et introibit rex gloriae.
Quis est iste rex gloriae?
{ Lift up your gates, O ye princes,
and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates:
and the King of Glory shall enter in.
Who is this King of Glory?
(Psalm 23(24):7�8a)
F: Sade, dit-moi.
Sade, donne-moi.
{ Sade, tell me.
Sade, give me.
C: Procedamus in pace.
In nomine Christi, Amen.
{ Let us proceed in peace.
In the name of Christ, Amen.
M: Sade, dit-moi:
Qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?
Le bien par le mal?
La vertu par le vice?
Sade, dit-moi: Pourquoi l'�vangile du mal?
Quelle est ta religion, o� sont tes fid�les?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'homme.
{ Sade, tell me:
What are you going to seek?
The best through the worst?
Virtue through vice?
Sade, tell me: Why the gospel of evil?
What is your religion, where is your congregation?
If you are against God, you are against man.
[ (Extended Version Only:)
M: Sade, dit-moi: Pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir?
Le plaisir sans l'amour.
N'y a t'il plus de sentiment
dans le culte de l'homme?
{ Sade, tell me: Why blood for pleasure?
Pleasure without love.
Is there not more feeling
In the worship of the man?
M: Sade, es-tu diabolique ou divin?
{ Sade, are you diabolic or divine? }
F: Sade, dit-moi.
C: Hosanna.
F: Sade, donne-moi.
C: Hosanna.
F: Sade, dit-moi.
C: Hosanna.
F: Sade, donne-moi.
C: Hosanna.
C: In nomine Christi, Amen.
Enigma - Sadeness (Extended Trance Mix) Music Lyrics
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