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Less Yes's, More No's Music Lyrics
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Less Yes's, more No's
and less Yes's
More No's and less Yes's...
A studio audience's general anesthia itch
Remedied by 'chop sui generis' the seminal sleeper hit
From the tag-banger doppleganger turned non-partisan anti-hero
And the sneaker fits
I'm undeniably left-learning others got cold feet
It's because they're breast feeding on this golden teat (of an old elite)
This synthetic mammary gland of a pop-cult nurse aid in a birdcage
Which is actually an Iraqi oil drum
Mistaken as the divine mother by daddy's spoiled son
That's why you die in high numbers
For this populous Texan and his innocuous and henchman
You're a a compliant spyhunter
Fresh dried-blood globules on dog tags are like scarlet opals
Exchanged for fossil fuels
Urging soccer mom's to want carpet bomb a peace rally on your campus quad
Watch as an Islamic phantom god is slain by a movie star
In a red, white and blue unitard
On a Fox news sister station, on cue insipid patrons soft-shoe
We refuse the ruling class in broadcast antennae headdresses
With more no's and less yes's
Recon in war zones is your certain death sentence
So we need more no's and less yes's
I'll unzip the sky and reveal the inner-working that are hidden
With more no's and less yes's
More no's and less yes's
Every feather a boarding pass for the fluorescent shuttle soaring past
Forged from remnants of a former me
A hollow bulb that died of the common cold
And you lack the language to appraise what was my fleshy housing due to my wild fling with the art scene underbelly
I, a style king toiled over a volley of ideas and scrutinized today's news
But I've been reduced to super-sized plates of food
And even this supposed headspace that hemorrhages with a carbonated fizz
Is auctioned off for bargain rated bids
A sugary glaze is applied to every unfertilized seedling that my dementia approves
Every aroused spoof
Now childproof
Every emphatic 'no'
Now and ambivalent 'yes'
As you now they've arbitrarily assigned an Axis of Evil
But if can't be remedied by my on-campus free show
I would hyped-extend this Californian cactus needle
To snag riffle straps and also stab vinyl stacks
But it's used to inject botox in the cheeks of big-face bills
And I with chipped paint in my gills
Know that elected officials and lobbyist have hid waste spills
And also misplaced kills
But in the face of that neo-con Nazi I am no Noam Chomsky
I'm a nagging teen in baggy jeans who fixates on frills as bombs drop free
Yes we're embalmed zombies
Getting all shitfaced as interest-rates build on defense shares
But no homie, I'll die voicing my grievances
Give the bronze urn of this naysayer to the modern-day Quaker
The long-term of your slave labor
Has been discontinued this quick-tongue ginus right-wong filibusters
We refuse the ruling class in broadcast antennae headdresses
With more no's and less yes's
Recon in war zones is your certain death sentence
so we need more no's and less yes's
I'll unzip the sky and reveal the inner-workings that are hidden
With more no's and less yes's
More no's and less yes's
More no's and less yes's
Busdriver - Less Yes's, More No's Music Lyrics
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