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Cesspool Music Lyrics
Blake Babies
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They took it away, they won't put it back.
They made all the water turn to black.
Their deed is washed up on my shore.
It was better the way it was before.
Check out this place I used to go.
None of my children'll ever know...never know.
Something's wrong but it could be right.
It's not like the day turning into night.
I'll tell you about it, I'll take you there.
You think about it, but you don't dare
To act for what we all deserve.
All we need is a little nerve...lot of nerve.
They'd do almost anything if the price was right enough.
Well, I might do anything to clean it up.
Ooo, ooo, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.
Ooo, ooo, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.
Ooo, ooo, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.
Ooo, ooo-ooo.
They took it away, they're not gonna' put it back.
They think they've got me in a trap,
But there's one thing I'm prepared to do
To make this cesspool as good as new.
I'll get my guns and both of my friends.
We'll make some righteous amends...maybe we'll start a trend.
Take it, this cesspool.
Make it good as new.
Take it, this cesspool.
Make it good as new.
'tis the circle of woe.
Summertime at home.
Blake Babies - Cesspool Music Lyrics
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