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Bad Idea Music Lyrics
Allstars Uscb
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Stand up straghit, button your shirts, wipe your mouth, take it as a man
when we were young we didin't drive to school, we ran
and we got up about 4 A.M to make the towns when
there's no-one on the train
I've never cried a day in my life
I'm propain
Sooo, what you wanna be when you grow up boy?
Wanna be like me?
Please don't answer yeah, it's not that good I am
What you wanna be when you grow up girl?
Wanna be like her?
Please just answer no, beacuse she's not from this world
Your mum and I they con the house
Your kids sister, the things that we got
You think it's cool by the prom in the sun
It's not
I met your mum when I was only a teen
And back then she was nice and leen
Easy on the eye, now she's harder to hootch like me
So tell me baby
Listen up, sit your as down
You hear me?
Keep you ass still, misteries of life is about to be reveld
The first of all, the thing about love
As far as I concernd it dosen't exict
The conceration is just a fancy word for kids
So tell me baby
Allstars Uscb - Bad Idea Music Lyrics
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